These notes are implementation ideas which apply to the Layer 2 Digipeater
- Establishment of "reserved" callsigns might be valuable to support
special digipeater additions without sysop intervention. For instance,
EMDIGI could be the callsign used by portable digipeaters (all SSIDs) which
would be put in place in an emergency. LCLDIG (all SSIDs) might be
used by coverage filler digipeaters. Use of these "callsigns" by
digipeaters would require proper identification within a beacon packet or by
other means.
- Path discovery can be pull or push. In other words, a layer 3 "device"
can broadcast a UI packet "looking" for a specific layer 3 "device" or layer
3 "devices" can broadcast their existence at intervals specified at layer 3.
- A layer 3 gateway can determine its "nearest" digipeater by issuing a UI
packet and observing the path in the digipeated packet. This could be
used to limit parsed packets to only those digipeated by that digipeater or
heard direct.
- The javAPRSDigi links to the left are to a standalone Java generic
digipeater application. The source for the digipeater function is also
linked for authors to review functionality and to see the simplicity of the